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How to Deal With Being Made Redundant

  • employees whose period of continuous service with the employer is less than 12 months
  • employees employed for:
    • a stated period of time
    • an identified task or project
    • a particular season
  • employees terminated because of serious misconduct
  • casual employees
  • trainees engaged only for the length of the training agreement
  • apprentices.

It’s crucial to understand your rights and entitlements regarding redundancy pay to ensure you receive the appropriate compensation. You can seek advice from an HR professional or use the redundancy calculator on the Fairwork website for accurate entitlements specific to your award.

  1. Assess your finances: Take stock of your financial situation and create a budget that aligns with your current circumstances.
  1. Update your resume and sharpen your skills: Use this opportunity to update your resume, ensuring it highlights your strengths and accomplishments. Additionally, consider upskilling or retraining to enhance your employability and make yourself more marketable.
  1. Network and explore job opportunities: Use your professional network, attend career fairs, and engage with recruiters to explore job opportunities. Networking can open doors and provide valuable insights into the job market.
  1. Consider new opportunities: Redundancy can be an opportunity to reassess your career goals and consider alternative paths such as starting your own business, freelancing, or pursuing a passion project.
  1. Understand your redundancy pay entitlements: In Australia, employees may be eligible for redundancy pay based on their length of service. Familiarise yourself with the relevant legislation and consult with an HR consultant or the Fair Work Commission for guidance on your specific entitlements.

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